Customize Your Vocabulary with Dragon® Medical Practice, Dragon® NaturallySpeaking and Dragon® NaturallySpeaking Legal

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Dragon Medical Practice, Dragon NaturallySpeaking and Dragon NaturallySpeaking Legal. This capability further enhances the accuracy of these speech recognition solutions, which come 99 percent accurate, right out of the box.

All three can be trained specifically to the way an individual pronounces a word so they are clearly understood, each and every time. They continually learn how you speak, as well as have the capability of scanning your files and emails to learn your writing style, and update your vocabulary with new words or terminology. The software’s Accuracy Tuning Feature uses acoustic and language model optimizers to adapt user profiles, which also improves recognition accuracy. There is also a Vocabulary Editor interface, which makes it easy to search the vocabulary, add new words and customize each word’s unique properties.

Additionally, Dragon® Medical Practice includes built-in medical vocabularies for more than 90 specialties and subspecialties. Dragon® NaturallySpeaking Legal contains a comprehensive legal vocabulary that lets you send emails, format legal citations, draft legal notices, and prepare responses as fast as you can speak them.

Value-added features such as these are the reason Nuance Communications’ Dragon speech recognition software is recognized as a worldwide industry leader.

1 Focus Medical Software offers special pricing on all of our technology products. To contact 1Focus Medical Software or to learn more about Dragon Medical Practice, Dragon NaturallySpeaking and Dragon NaturallySpeaking Legal, please click here.

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